How to File Support Tickets and Complaints Against DoorDash Drivers

As a DoorDash customer or merchant, you may occasionally have issues with your delivery driver that need to be addressed. While most DoorDash drivers aim to provide good service, problems do occur from time to time. This article will outline the steps you can take to file a support ticket or complaint against a DoorDash driver.

Contact DoorDash Support

The easiest way to file a complaint against a DoorDash driver is to contact DoorDash support directly. You can do this via:

  • The DoorDash app or website
    • Open a support ticket detailing the issue
    • Rate the driver poorly and leave feedback
  • Phone
    • Call 855-973-1040 (US)
    • Call 647-957-7219 (Canada)
  • Email

When contacting support, clearly explain what happened, when it happened, and what location it occurred at. Provide as many specifics as possible to aid in the investigation.

Leave Negative Feedback

Another way to file a complaint is by leaving negative feedback for the driver. Both customers and merchants can do this:


  • Open the DoorDash app
  • Go to “Your Orders”
  • Select the problem order
  • Choose “Rate Order”
  • Give the driver a 1-star rating
  • Leave detailed negative feedback in the comments


  • Go to the DoorDash Merchant Portal
  • Locate the problem order
  • Click “Rate Delivery”
  • Choose 1-star
  • Leave feedback comments

Detailed negative feedback helps DoorDash identify issues with specific drivers.

Report Safety Issues Immediately

If the driver exhibited threatening behavior or you felt unsafe, report the incident to DoorDash immediately by:

  • Calling 911 if you are in immediate danger
  • Contacting DoorDash support via phone or online chat
  • Choosing the “Report Safety Incident” option in the DoorDash app

DoorDash takes safety issues very seriously. Reporting threatening driver behavior can help ensure appropriate action is taken.

File a Complaint with the Better Business Bureau

You can also file an official complaint against DoorDash with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

To do this:

  1. Go to the DoorDash BBB profile
  2. Click “File a Complaint”
  3. Choose a complaint category
  4. Provide details on what happened
  5. Submit your complaint

The BBB keeps complaints on file and shares them with the business. This creates a record of issues that DoorDash must address.

Report Fraudulent Activity

If a DoorDash driver engaged in fraudulent activity, such as:

  • Stealing your food order
  • Using your payment details improperly

You can report this by contacting DoorDash support right away. Provide all relevant details so they can investigate and take appropriate action.

Escalate Your Complaint

If you filed a complaint but did not receive a satisfactory resolution from DoorDash, you can escalate it by:

  • Asking for a supervisor when calling support
  • Sending an email to the DoorDash executive team
  • Contacting the DoorDash CEO
  • Reaching out on social media
  • Filing a complaint with the CFPB

Repeated, polite contact with management often helps escalate complaints to the right person that can address your issues.

Consider Legal Action

For very serious complaints that DoorDash does not adequately resolve, you may need to get legal help. Consult with an attorney to see if you have grounds to take legal action.


I hope this article gave you clear steps on how to properly file complaints and tickets with DoorDash support regarding driver issues. Quickly reporting any problems you experience can help DoorDash take appropriate action to resolve problems and improve service quality. Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions!