For those frequently using flash to lighten up the photo might already notice a little red spot on an eye. This red-eye effect is caused by the inner part of the eye which has a notable red color being reflected by the light from the flash, thus resulting in a bit scary-looking face.
In a previous article, I posted a way to fix red eyes with Photoshop. The result is compelling but may take some time if there are a lot of red eyes, especially in a group photo.
For that reason, it’s recommended to switch to GIMP; a free image editing software just like Photoshop but it can fix multiple red eyes in an instant — something that rather hard to do in Photoshop.
Follow these steps to use GIMP to fix multiple red eyes. You can download GIMP for free here.
1. Launch GIMP and click File > Open.
2. Select the photo containing red eyes.
3. The photo has opened. We now can start fixing it.
4. Head to Filters > Enhance > Red Eye Removal…
5. Adjust the Threshold if necessary, then hit OK.
6. Now those red eyes have been fixed. You can save the photo by going to File > Export As….
GIMP works really well with a photo containing multiple red eyes. It’s also manage to avoid red spots that not in eyes.
I tried fixing random a red-eye picture with different lighting, angle, and resolution. Albeit the result varies between pictures, it’s still somewhat reliable. And it’s should not be a problem on a group photo since the red spots among eyes will be more consistent.