How to Permanently Delete Your TikTok Account Beyond Recovery

There are several reasons why you may want to delete your TikTok account permanently:

  • Privacy Concerns – TikTok has faced scrutiny over its data privacy practices. Deleting your account is the only way to ensure TikTok no longer has access to your data.
  • Too Addictive – The TikTok algorithm is very good at keeping you continuously scrolling. Deleting it can help reclaim your time.
  • Cyberbullying – You may want to delete your account if you are being harassed or bullied on the platform.
  • Kids’ Safety – If your child has a TikTok account, you may decide to delete it over concerns about predators or inappropriate content.

No matter the reason, deleting your TikTok account permanently ensures you have no further ties to the platform.

How To Permanently Delete A TikTok Account

Step 1: Open the TikTok app on your mobile device. Go to your profile page.

Step 2: Tap on the three-dot menu icon in the upper right corner of your profile page.

Step 3: Select “Settings and privacy” from the menu.

Step 4: Tap on “Manage Account”.

Step 5: Select “Delete Account” at the bottom of the page.

Step 6: Select “Delete Account Permanently” when prompted.

Step 7: Select your reason for deleting your account. You can also tap “Skip” to continue without providing a reason.

Step 8: You will get a notification that you can download your TikTok data before your account is deleted. Tap “Continue” to skip this option if you do not need your data.

Step 9: Read the notice about what happens when your account is deleted. Tap “Continue” when ready.

Step 10: Enter your account password to verify your identity.

Step 11: Tap “Delete Account”.

Step 12: One final popup will ask you to confirm account deletion. Tap “Delete”.

Your TikTok account will now be permanently deleted within 30 days. You will not be able to recover it.

What Happens When You Delete A TikTok Account

Here is what happens when you permanently delete a TikTok account:

  • You will immediately lose access to your account. You are logged out.
  • For 30 days, your account remains deactivated and can be recovered by logging back in.
  • After 30 days, your account and all associated data is permanently deleted by TikTok. This includes:
    • Profile information
    • Videos, drafts, live streams
    • Likes, comments, share history
    • Playlists and favorites
    • Messages and notifications
  • Once deleted after 30 days, there is no way to recover your account or data.

Should You Delete Your TikTok Account?

Deciding whether to delete your TikTok account is a personal decision. Here are some things to consider:


  • Increased privacy and security
  • More control over your data and online presence
  • Avoid addictive scrolling behavior
  • Stop cyberbullying and harassment


  • Lose access to videos, friends and followers
  • Can’t get back video views and likes
  • Permanently lose account – no going back

Look at both the pros and cons to decide if deleting your TikTok account permanently is right for you.

Tips Before Deleting TikTok

Before deleting your TikTok account, you may want to:

  • Download your TikTok data – This preserves a copy of your profile info, videos, messages etc.
  • Save your favorites – Screen record favorite videos to save them.
  • Inform friends – Let close friends know you are deleting TikTok and how to contact you elsewhere.
  • Delete the app – Removing the app from your phone reduces temptation to reactivate your account.

Taking these steps allows you to preserve aspects of your TikTok presence while still deleting your account permanently.


Deleting your TikTok account permanently is the only way to fully remove your presence from the platform. It can be done directly through the TikTok app in just a few steps. Just be certain before deleting your account, as there is no way to recover it after 30 days. But for those concerned about privacy or social media addiction, deleting TikTok may be the right decision.