How to Send Money Payments Over $500 Limit on Zelle App

Zelle is a popular peer-to-peer payment app that allows users to quickly and easily transfer money between bank accounts in the US. It is offered by over 1,700 banks and credit unions. One of the main benefits of using Zelle is that transfers happen almost instantly – typically within minutes.

However, Zelle does have sending limits in place. If your bank does not offer Zelle, the weekly sending limit when using the Zelle app is $500. This can be restrictive if you need to send larger payments. Here are some tips to work around this limit:

Understand Your Bank’s Zelle Limits

If your bank or credit union offers Zelle, contact them to find out the specific sending limits. These limits can vary greatly by financial institution.

For example, Wells Fargo has a $3,500 daily Zelle limit and Bank of America has a $2,500 daily limit for transfers between established recipients[1]. Capital One does not disclose monthly limits but allows $2,500 per day[2].

Banks may also set different Zelle limits depending on account type. Be sure to check with your bank to confirm.

Split Payments Over Multiple Days

If you need to send over $500, consider splitting the payment into smaller amounts over multiple days.

For example, if you need to pay someone $1,200, you could send $500 today, $500 tomorrow and $200 the day after while staying under a $500 daily limit. Just be sure to stay within the weekly and monthly limits too.

Use Zelle Alternatives for Larger Transfers

If you consistently need to send large payments over $500, using alternative services like PayPal, Venmo or wire transfers may be better options.

PayPal and Venmo generally have higher sending limits compared to Zelle. PayPal allows up to $60,000 per transaction in some cases[3].

Wire transfers at your bank will also allow you to send large sums of money, although fees apply.

Request a Limit Increase

Some banks may increase your Zelle limit if you have a long history of using Zelle responsibly. Contact your bank to submit a request for a higher limit. Approval is at their discretion based on your banking relationship.

Link Another Bank Account

If possible, consider linking another bank account to your Zelle profile that has higher sending limits. You may then be able to leverage the higher limits of that second bank.

Be aware that banks can still restrict payments between recipients even when linking accounts. Carefully review all limits before transferring money.

Use Zelle for Smaller Transfers

Given the relatively low limits, Zelle is best suited for smaller, personal transfers under $500. For recurring payments and larger sums, services like PayPal, Venmo or wire transfers are likely better options.

Be Wary of Scams

Scammers frequently target Zelle and other payment apps. Never send money to someone you don’t know personally. Also be cautious when dealing with strangers online, especially if they insist on using Zelle. Getting money back after falling victim to a scam can be very difficult.


While convenient, Zelle’s $500 weekly sending limit can be restrictive. By understanding your bank’s specific limits, splitting payments, using alternatives, requesting limit increases and linking accounts, it is possible to securely send sums over $500. However, Zelle is still best suited for personal transfers under $500. Be vigilant of scams whenever sending money electronically.



