How to Use Twitter Spaces for Engaging Conversations

Twitter Spaces is an exciting new audio-based social media feature that allows users to join live conversations. Hosts can create Spaces around topics to discuss, bringing people together through the power of voice.

Spaces provide an opportunity to have meaningful dialogues and connect beyond the constraints of tweets or traditional social media posts. Whether you want to discuss current events, pop culture, or niche interests, Spaces makes it easy to create an engaging experience.

Here are some best practices on how to use Twitter Spaces to foster interesting conversations that attract an audience.

Getting Started with Twitter Spaces

To get started with Spaces, you need to join from a mobile device through the Twitter app. Android and iOS users with 600 or more followers can currently host Spaces.

Once eligible, tap the compose icon and select “Spaces” to begin creating your audio room. You can set a title, description, and tags to categorize the topic. Additionally, invite other speakers ahead of time if you want specific guests.

When ready, start the Space to go live or schedule it for later. Promote the Space on your profile and to your followers to help drive listeners.

Tips for Hosting Engaging Spaces

Hosting a successful Twitter Space that intrigues audiences comes down to preparation, inviting special guests, moderating effectively, and more.

1. Plan Ahead

Like any social media initiative or event, planning is key. Decide on a specific topic and create an outline to shape the flow of conversation. Research the subject matter so you can pose thoughtful questions.

2. Invite Relevant Guests

Line up speakers like influencers, experts, or celebrities who can offer insights to attract and inform listeners. Their followers will also help promote the Space.

3. Moderate the Discussion

As the host, help move the dialogue along by introducing new topics and questions. Politely guide the chat if speakers get off track and ensure respectful conduct.

4. Produce Shareable Moments

Spaces allow you to share tweets, links, and more into the chat so listeners can engage further. Additionally, prompts that create shareable soundbites will help your Space clips circulate afterward.

5. Promote the Replay

Twitter Spaces remain publicly available for 30 days after the live audio ends. Promote this content so those unable to join live can replay.

Creative Ways to Use Twitter Spaces

Beyond hosting standard discussions, Spaces empowers new formats of content to educate and entertain audiences. Consider these creative examples:

Live Podcast Recordings

Simulate a podcast recording session by organizing co-hosts, scheduling guests, and promoting the Space. The live atmosphere makes an excellent podcast episode.

AMA Sessions

An “ask me anything” session allows audiences to directly query experts or influencers. The informal Spaces environment lends itself well to this popularized Reddit concept.

Book Club Meetings

For avid readers, Spaces provide opportunities to discuss favorite books or reading recommendations. Host your own digital book club.

Audience Polls

Twitter Spaces allow you to survey listeners in real-time with poll questions to spur fun audience interaction.

Industry Networking

Spaces create venues for professionals within a niche to connect. Host networking-focused Spaces in your industry for members to share advice.

Brand Focus Groups

Companies can also take advantage of Spaces by hosting focus groups with customers or brand fans. Gather product feedback in real-time.

Promoting Your Twitter Spaces

Drawing listeners is key to a successful Twitter Space. Use these tactics to promote your upcoming or live Spaces events:

– Share Schedule Details in Advance

Post tweets and updates across your social media days before the Space goes live. Build anticipation by teasing speakers and discussion topics.

– Send Notifications to Followers

Leverage push notifications on mobile and emails to notify your audience directly about the Space.

– Cross-Promote Across Other Social Media

Inform audiences on every platform through posts and stories. Share the Space link for easy access.

– Go Live on Other Platforms

Simultaneously stream your Space on other social networks using multi-streaming tools to maximize reach.

– Tweet Regular Reminders

Keep tweeting the Space link before and during the live session so users can join at any time.

Analyzing Twitter Spaces Metrics

Under the Spaces tab in your Twitter analytics dashboard, you can view performance metrics for all your hosted Spaces. Track these key analytics to optimize future Spaces:

  • Listeners – The total number of live listeners and replay listeners post-Space. Indicates overall reach.
  • Speakers – How many total speakers contributed, signaling engagement.
  • Co-Hosts – Co-host count showing how many helped manage the Space.
  • Peak Concurrency – The max number of concurrent live listeners, demonstrating peak popularity.
  • Average Listen Time – The average time listeners stayed in the Space, measuring interest.


Twitter Spaces introduces creative ways to engage audiences far beyond tweets through interactive audio conversations. By planning preparation, utilizing special guests, promoting across channels, and analyzing metrics, any host can curate intriguing Spaces.

Leverage these tips to connect with your community while producing shareable moments. Soon you’ll be hosting riveting Twitter Spaces that keep audiences coming back.