How to View Your Full Video Watch and Search History in TikTok App

TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 1 billion monthly active users. Its algorithm is very good at showing you videos that you’ll enjoy watching and interacting with.

However, this does mean that it can be difficult to remember everything you’ve watched or searched for previously. Fortunately, TikTok does allow you to view your full video watch and search history. Here’s how:

Viewing Your Video Watch History

TikTok stores your full video watch history for the last 30 days. Here are the steps to view it:

On Android Devices

  1. Open the TikTok app on your Android phone
  2. Tap on your profile icon in the bottom right corner
  3. Select Settings and privacy
  4. Choose Watch history
  5. You will now see your full watch history for the last 30 days showing the videos you have watched

On iOS Devices

  1. Open the TikTok app on your iPhone
  2. Tap on your profile icon in the bottom right corner
  3. Select Settings and privacy
  4. Choose Watch history
  5. You will now see your full watch history for the last 30 days

The watch history shows you each video you have tapped on and watched, the channel it came from, the time you watched it, and for how long.

You can delete individual videos from your watch history by swiping left on them and tapping Delete.

Viewing Your Search History

TikTok also records your search history for the last 30 days. Here is how you can view it:

On Android Devices

  1. Open TikTok and tap your profile
  2. Go to Settings and privacy
  3. Select Content and activity
  4. Choose Search history
  5. You will now see your full search history for the past 30 days

On iOS Devices

  1. Open TikTok and go to your profile
  2. Tap on Settings and privacy
  3. Choose Content and activity
  4. Select Search history
  5. Your full search history will now be displayed

The search history shows all the keywords and phrases you have searched for.

You can clear your entire search history by tapping Delete all at the top of the screen.

Why View Your Full History?

Here are some of the main reasons you may want to look back at your full TikTok watch and search history:

  • Find videos to watch again – You can rediscover videos you enjoyed but have forgotten about.
  • Review interests and preferences – It gives you insight into what kind of content you consistently engage with.
  • Check screen time – You can see if you are spending too much time watching TikTok.
  • Monitor kids’ activity – Parents can supervise what their children are viewing and searching for.
  • Delete embarrassing searches – You can remove any awkward search terms you may have used.
  • Improve recommendations – TikTok’s algorithm can give you better recommendations if you watch and engage with videos similar to your historic interests.

How to Delete Your Video Watch and Search History

If you want to delete your TikTok watch and search history:

  • Watch history – Go to the watch history page and tap Delete all to remove your full history. Individual videos can also be deleted.
  • Search history – Go to your search history and tap Delete all at the top of the screen to erase it.

The history will then begin rebuilding from that date as you continue using TikTok.

Remember Syncing Across Devices

Your TikTok watch and search history are synced across any devices you use TikTok on while logged into the same account.

So clearing your history on one device will also clear it on your other linked devices.

Your history is stored remotely by TikTok and tied to your user account.


I hope this guide has helped explain how to find and view your full TikTok watch and search histories.

Being able to look back on this activity can give you valuable insights for improving your experience. It also allows you to delete anything you don’t want recorded.

  • View histories from your profile > Settings
  • 30 days of video watch history available
  • Search history also accessible
  • Useful for finding old videos, monitoring usage, and more
  • Can delete part or all of your histories
  • Syncs across mobile devices