iPhone XS – How to Change System Language Settings

Having your iPhone XS display text in a language you can’t read or understand can be extremely frustrating. Thankfully, it’s easy to change the system language settings on an iPhone XS to display text in your preferred language.

Why Change the Language Settings

There are a few common reasons you may want to change the language settings on your iPhone XS:

  • You accidentally changed the language and can no longer read the text
  • You bought a used iPhone that is set to the wrong language
  • You speak multiple languages and want to switch between them
  • You are traveling abroad and want your phone in the local language

Before You Begin

Before changing the language, it’s a good idea to back up your iPhone XS so you don’t lose any data:

  • Connect your iPhone to your computer and back up using iTunes
  • Back up to iCloud by going to Settings > Your Name > iCloud > iCloud Backup > Back Up Now

It’s also a smart idea to write down any important settings, contacts, or notes so you can easily restore them later if needed.

How to Change the System Language

Changing the system language on an iPhone XS only takes a few steps:

  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Scroll down and tap General
  3. Tap Language & Region
  4. Tap iPhone Language
  5. Select your desired language from the list
  6. Confirm your selection by tapping Done in the top right

It’s that simple! Your iPhone will switch over to the new language and reboot. This process usually only takes a few seconds.

Additional Language and Region Settings

In the Language & Region settings, you can customize additional options:

  • Preferred Language Order: Choose multiple languages to switch between
  • Region: Set your geographic region
  • Calendar: Select calendar format
  • Temperature: Choose Celsius or Fahrenheit
  • Measurement System: Set to metric or imperial units
  • First Day of the Week: Pick Sunday or Monday

How to Add Keyboards for Other Languages

In addition to changing the system language, you can add keyboards for other languages:

  1. Go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards
  2. Tap Add New Keyboard
  3. Select the language keyboard you want to add
  4. Repeat to add other language keyboards

Now when you are typing, you can quickly switch between language keyboards to type in multiple languages.

Important Notes

  • Some apps may not switch language or translate perfectly
  • If you erase your iPhone, you will need to reset preferred languages
  • Changes apply to iOS only, not third party apps
  • Allow sufficient time for the language change process to fully complete

Troubleshooting Issues

If you encounter issues changing the language on your iPhone XS, here is some troubleshooting advice:

  • Hard reset your iPhone by holding the Power and Home button
  • Make sure iOS is updated to the latest version
  • Reset network settings under General > Reset > Reset Network Settings
  • Contact Apple support for further assistance


Changing the language and region on an iPhone XS is simple and only takes a few taps in the Settings menu. Be sure to back up your iPhone first and note any important settings before changing languages. With multiple language keyboards enabled, you can seamlessly switch between languages when typing. Refer to Apple’s guides for additional help changing iPhone language settings.