How to Adjust Video Frame Rate for Slow Motion in CapCut Editor


CapCut is a popular free video editing app that allows users to easily edit videos for social media. One of its standout features is the ability to adjust video frame rates to create smooth slow motion effects.

Slow motion is an effective cinematic technique that can add drama, emphasize action, or simply look cool in your videos. Mastering this effect in CapCut involves understanding frame rates and how to manipulate them.

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn everything about adjusting video frame rates in CapCut for stunning slow motion, including:

What is Frame Rate?

Frame rate refers to the number of still images or frames captured per second in a video [1].

Standard frame rates:

  • 24 fps – Cinematic look
  • 30 fps – HD video standard
  • 60 fps – Smooth action and slow motion

Higher frame rates above 60 fps are used primarily for:

  • Slow motion videos
  • Sports and action footage
  • Video game recordings

How Slow Motion Video Works

Slow motion happens when you:

  • Shoot at a high frame rate (e.g. 120 fps)
  • Playback at a standard lower rate (e.g. 30 fps) [2]

So a 120 fps video played back at 30 fps will appear 4x slower.

The higher the shooting frame rate, the more slowed down your video can be.

CapCut’s Frame Rates

CapCut allows you to shoot or input videos with varied frame rates. It can then convert the videos to standardized rates for editing and export.

CapCut’s frame rate scale:

  • 24 fps
  • 30 fps
  • 60 fps (Max) [3]

60 fps is the highest frame rate CapCut supports. Ideal for slow motion with fast action.

Steps to Adjust Frame Rates in CapCut

Follow these steps to adjust frame rates for smooth slow motion in CapCut:

1. Import High FPS Videos

Import videos shot at high frame rates above 60 fps like 120 fps or 240 fps.

The higher the shooting rate, the more you can slow down footage.

2. Convert to Standard Rate

Go to Frame Rate in the editor and choose a standard rate like 30 fps.

CapCut will conform and convert the high FPS footage.

3. Slow Down Video

Go to Speed and slow down the high FPS clip by dragging left.

Preview until you achieve your desired slow motion effect.

4. Export

Export your video to apply the frame rate adjustments.

CapCut’s compression may reduce output quality so export at highest settings.

Tips for Smooth Slow Motion

Follow these tips when slowing down footage in CapCut:

  • Shoot at the highest FPS possible for maximum flexibility.
  • Use frames rates that are factors of each other e.g. 240fps slowed to 30 fps.
  • Adjust shutter speed to ensure proper exposure and reduce noise/grain.
  • Use CapCut’s Curve speed option for more control over the slow motion effect.
  • Apply flash transitions to make flashy, stylized slo-mo [4].


Adjusting video frame rates in CapCut unlocks the ability to create stunning slow motion effects easily. Understanding the concepts of high shooting frame rates and standardized playback rates is key.

CapCut makes the technical process straightforward through its intuitive speed and frame rate controls. So be creative – slow down those action shots or high frame rate videos to dramatic effect with smooth, gorgeous slow motion!

