How To Batch Edit Large Groups of Photos in Adobe Lightroom Software

  • Store all photos in one central “Lightroom Photos” folder for easier access and organization. Rely more on collections than folders or renaming for organizing.
  • Keep to a single Lightroom catalog if possible. Easier to manage and optimize performance. Can consolidate old catalogs into one.

Optimize Performance

  • Render 1:1 previews intentionally for faster editing.
  • Regularly optimize the catalog to improve stability.
  • Temporarily pause syncing to Lightroom cloud service during import and editing for better performance.

Import and Batch Edit

  • Apply presets on import to batch edit groups of imported photos.
  • In Library module, select photos and apply presets to batch edit in smaller custom groups.
  • Use “Synchronize” to copy edits from one photo to multiple selected photos.

Editing and Exporting

  • Edit nondestructively in Develop module. Avoid editing in external editors when possible.
  • Export edited photos instead of moving or reimporting to avoid duplicates in catalog.

Organizing and Backups

  • Use collections sets to categorize and group “keeper” photos. Add keywords for better searchability.
  • Backup the catalog and central photo storage folder to enable recovery of work if needed.

Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions!