How to Disconnect and Unlink Your Phone Number From Discord Account

Key Takeaways

  • Discord requires a phone number for account verification, but you can replace or remove it later
  • Replacing your number is straightforward through account settings on desktop or mobile
  • Deleting your Discord account is the only way to permanently disconnect your phone number

As an experienced technical writer with expertise in software documentation, I will provide a comprehensive guide on disconnecting your phone number from your Discord account. This article covers the reasons, methods, and potential workarounds for this process.

Why Discord Requires a Phone Number

Discord is a popular communication platform used by millions worldwide, especially in gaming and online communities. To combat spam and abuse, Discord mandates phone number verification during account creation. This two-factor authentication helps ensure user accounts are controlled by real individuals.

However, some users may have privacy concerns about linking their personal phone numbers to online accounts. Others may want to switch numbers or use temporary ones for various reasons. Fortunately, Discord provides options to replace or remove your phone number from your account.

Replacing Your Discord Phone Number

If you wish to update your Discord account with a new phone number, you can easily do so through the account settings. Here are the steps:

On Desktop

  1. Open the Discord app or log in via browser
  2. Click on the User Settings gear icon
  3. From the drop-down list, select “My Account”
  4. Under the “Phone Number” section, click “Edit”
  5. Enter your new phone number and follow the verification process
  6. Once verified, your new number will be updated

On Mobile

  1. Open the Discord app and tap on your profile picture
  2. Tap the gear icon to access User Settings
  3. Select “Account” and then “Phone”
  4. Tap “Edit” and enter your new phone number
  5. Follow the verification steps
  6. Your new number is now linked to your account

By replacing your number, you can continue using Discord while maintaining privacy and control over your contact information.

Removing Your Discord Phone Number

If you want to completely unlink your phone number from your Discord account, the process is slightly different. Discord does not allow accounts to exist without an associated phone number or email address for authentication purposes.

To remove your phone number, you must first add an email address to your account if you haven’t already. Then, follow these steps:

On Desktop

  1. Open User Settings and go to “My Account”
  2. Next to “Phone Number,” click “Remove”
  3. Enter your Discord account password to confirm
  4. Your phone number will be unlinked from your account

On Mobile

  1. Open User Settings, select “Account,” then “Phone”
  2. Tap “Remove Phone Number”
  3. Enter your password to confirm
  4. Your phone number is now removed

It’s important to note that removing your phone number will also disable two-factor authentication (2FA) for your account. Discord strongly recommends keeping 2FA enabled for account security, so you may want to consider replacing your number instead of removing it entirely.

Deleting Your Discord Account

If you wish to permanently disconnect your phone number from Discord, the only solution is to delete your entire account. This process is irreversible, and all your data, including messages, servers, and friends lists, will be permanently removed.

To delete your Discord account:

  1. Open User Settings and go to “My Account”
  2. Scroll down and click “Delete Account”
  3. Enter your password to confirm account deletion

Alternatively, you can disable your account temporarily if you plan to return to Discord later. A disabled account will retain your data, but you won’t be able to log in or receive notifications.

Potential Workarounds

Some users have explored workarounds to bypass Discord’s phone number requirement, such as using temporary or virtual phone numbers. However, these methods violate Discord’s Terms of Service and can result in account termination if detected.

It’s essential to respect Discord’s policies and prioritize account security over potential privacy concerns. Using legitimate methods to replace or remove your phone number is the safest approach.


While Discord’s phone number verification is a necessary security measure, the platform provides options for users to manage their privacy preferences. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can replace or remove your phone number from your Discord account through official channels.

Remember, deleting your account is the only way to permanently disconnect your phone number from Discord. If you choose this route, ensure you have backed up any important data beforehand.

Ultimately, Discord’s phone number policy aims to create a safer online community for all users. By understanding and adhering to these guidelines, you can continue enjoying Discord’s features while maintaining control over your personal information.