How to Go Live and Stream on Facebook Platform

Facebook Live is an incredibly powerful tool that allows you to broadcast live video streams directly to your audience on Facebook. Whether you want to host a Q&A, share breaking news, stream an event, or demonstrate a product, going live on Facebook is an excellent way to boost engagement and connect with your followers.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to successfully create live videos on Facebook, including:

Getting Started with Facebook Live

Before going live, the first step is ensuring your Facebook account and page are properly set up:

  • Create a Facebook Page – You can only stream Facebook Live video from a Facebook Page, not a personal profile. So create a Page for your brand if you don’t already have one.
  • Download the Facebook App – The Facebook app for iOS and Android allows you to go live right from your phone. Install the latest version so you can access Facebook Live.
  • Check Your Streaming Preferences – In the Facebook app, tap the ≡ menu icon and select “Settings & Privacy” > “Settings” to modify preferences for live videos.

How to Go Live on Facebook

Once your account and preferences are ready, going live is simple:

On Mobile

  1. Open the Facebook app on your phone.
  2. Tap Live at the top of your News Feed or tap the + icon in the app.
  3. Write a compelling description and title.
  4. Tap Go Live.
  5. Tap Finish when you’re done broadcasting.

On Desktop

  1. Go to your Facebook Page.
  2. Click Live in the status composer.
  3. Use the stream settings on the left sidebar to configure your broadcast.
  4. Click Go Live when you’re ready.

While live, you can add polls, links, pinned comments, and more to make your video interactive.

Facebook Live Video Best Practices

Follow these tips to create professional, engaging live streams:

  • Stream Horizontally – Hold your phone sideways for proper horizontal video. Vertical video looks unprofessional.
  • Use Optimal Lighting – Ensure you have ample lighting pointed towards your face. Natural daylight works best.
  • Prepare Talking Points – Outline what you’re going to discuss so the video flows smoothly. Prepare stories, advice, etc.
  • Promote Your Stream – Hype up your live video in advance across your marketing channels to drive viewership.
  • Interact With Viewers – Answer questions from the live comments to make it more of a two-way conversation.

Grow Your Audience with Live Video

The benefits of streaming live video include:

  • Increased engagement and reach
  • More organic visibility
  • Audience growth and lead generation
  • Brand building and making connections

Use Facebook Live consistently and strategically, and you can rapidly grow your following and authority.

So don’t be afraid to start broadcasting on Facebook! With the steps in this guide, you have everything you need to create professional, engaging live streams your audience will love.