How to Set Up and Integrate Channel Points Rewards on Twitch

Channel Points are a built-in loyalty and engagement system on Twitch that allows streamers to reward their viewers. As a streamer, setting up custom Channel Points rewards is a great way to engage your community and encourage more participation. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set them up.

Enabling Channel Points

The first step is enabling Channel Points in your Twitch Creator Dashboard. This feature is currently only available to Affiliates and Partners.

To enable:

  • Go to the Creator Dashboard and navigate to Viewer Rewards > Channel Points
  • Toggle Enable Channel Points to ON
  • Customize the display name and icons
  • Click Save

Once enabled, viewers will start passively earning points from watching, following, etc.

Creating Custom Rewards

With Channel Points enabled, you can now create custom rewards for viewers to redeem their points on. Popular reward ideas include:

  • Choosing the next game/map/song
  • Triggering sound effects
  • Putting the streamer through challenges
  • Controlling stream elements like enabling emote-only chat

To create a new reward:

  • Go to Manage Rewards in Channel Points
  • Click Create Custom Reward
  • Enter reward title, cost, inventory
  • Add custom image and description
  • Click Create Custom Reward to save

Set appropriate point costs based on value. Make high-value rewards cost more points to redeem.

Integrating Rewards with Stream Software

To take rewards to the next level, you can integrate them with software like OBS or chatbots to trigger on-stream events:

OBS Websocket


  • Install a chatbot like Streamlabs or Nightbot
  • Connect to your Twitch account
  • Create custom commands for rewards to run

With the right integration, Channel Points rewards can directly impact your stream – enabling some very cool interactions.

Optimizing for Engagement

Channel Points are only as engaging as the rewards you create. Here are some tips:

  • Offer a mix of rewards – small, medium, and high-cost options
  • Change rewards regularly to keep things fresh
  • Highlight new rewards so viewers redeem them
  • Redeem rewards yourself to showcase value
  • Review analytics to see popular rewards

Optimizing your rewards will lead to more Channel Points engagement from your viewers.

Maximizing Discovery with SEO

You can also optimize your Twitch channel for “discoverability” and reach more potential viewers.

Some key SEO tips:

  • Research popular keywords related to your niche and use them appropriately in titles/descriptions
  • Share your stream on other platforms like Twitter/YouTube to build backlinks
  • Engage followers on social media to drive traffic to your channel
  • Collaborate with other streamers to access each other’s audiences

By improving your Twitch SEO, you can leverage search engines and social media to boost viewership over time.


Channel Points provide an excellent avenue for viewer interaction and engagement. By customizing rewards tailored to your community and integrating them using tools like OBS and chatbots, you can enable unique participation opportunities.

Optimizing your setup with engaging rewards and solid SEO practices will help convert viewers into loyal community members over time. The key is keeping things fresh while providing value and discovery through search and social channels.

With the right strategy, Channel Points can level up both viewer experience and channel growth. Time to start rewarding your loyal supporters!