How to Share and Export Templates in Canva Design Tool

Canva is a popular online graphic design platform that makes it easy for anyone to create beautiful designs. One of the most useful features of Canva is the ability to save your designs as templates and share them with others. This allows you to reuse designs, collaborate with team members, and even sell templates.

Sharing Templates

Sharing templates in Canva allows others to access a copy of your design that they can then customize. The original template remains untouched. There are a few ways to share Canva templates:

Share Template Link

  • Open the design you want to share as a template
  • Click “Share” in the top menu bar
  • Select “Template link”
  • Copy the link and share with anyone you want to access the template

When someone opens the template link, a copy of your original design will be created in their Canva account. They can then edit and customize it without affecting your original.

Share with Canva for Teams

If you have Canva for Teams, you can share templates within your team.

  • Create a “Team templates” folder
  • Add any designs you want to share to this folder
  • Set permissions on who can view and edit templates

This makes it easy to maintain brand consistency and facilitate collaboration on designs.

Export and Share File

You can also export your Canva design and share the file.

  • Download design as a PDF, JPG, or PNG file
  • Share saved file via email, cloud storage, etc.

This allows others to view your design but not customize it like a template.

Exporting Design Files

When you’re ready to use your finished Canva design files for printing or other needs, you can export in different file types.

Image Files

Export as JPG or PNG for digital use.

  • JPG – Choose image quality and scale. Smaller files good for web.
  • PNG – Retains transparency. Good for digital graphics.

Print Files

Export as PDF for high quality printing.

  • PDF Print – Choose standard or high quality. More options for commercial printing.
  • PDF Standard – Lower quality but smaller file. Good for desktop printing.

Other Files

Canva can also export as:

  • PPTX for PowerPoint presentations
  • SVG for scalable vector graphics
  • Video MP4

The export dialogue box shows recommended file types for different design types.

Customizing Export Settings

When exporting print files, you can customize settings for optimal printing:

Print Quality

  • Color mode – RGB for digital use or CMYK for commercial printing
  • Resolution – 300 or 600 DPI recommended for sharp printing

Print Size

  • Dimensions – Match print dimensions needed
  • Orientation – Portrait or landscape
  • Scale – Increase or decrease print size

Print Finishing

  • Bleed – Extend design past trim lines to avoid white edges
  • Crop marks – Add cut lines to guide production

Collaborating with Your Team

Canva has a wide range of features to enable team collaboration on designs:

Share Design Folders

Create folders for different projects, clients, or campaigns. Set permissions on who can access and edit.

Leave Comments

Annotate designs with feedback and tasks directly on the design. Reply in threads.

Version History

Canva saves a history of design versions. Revert to old versions or view revision progress.

Design Insights

See design activity – who viewed it, commented, exported, etc. Track work progress.

With its powerful collaboration tools combined with the ability to easily save, export, and share templates, Canva can facilitate teamwork and consistency across all your design projects.

Tips for Effective Use of Canva

Here are some top tips for getting the most out of Canva:

Maintain Brand Consistency

Upload brand fonts, colors palette, and logo to create on-brand templates. Share with your team.

Use Layouts Thoughtfully

Browse Canva’s layouts to kickstart your design instead of starting completely from scratch.

Watch for Paid Elements

Some elements have a fee associated. Hover to view pricing before using if you have a free account.

Create a Style Guide

Define fonts, colors, and logo guidelines. This will streamline design work in Canva.

Periodically Save Versions

Save versions as you work so you can go back to earlier iterations if needed.

By following these best practices and taking advantage of Canva’s extensive features for sharing, exporting, and team collaboration, you can create a powerful graphic design workflow.