How to Unlock and Use the Time Sticker Filter in Snapchat

Snapchat’s time sticker filter allows users to add the current time as a sticker to their snaps and stories. This can be useful for providing context, marking important events, or just for fun. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to unlock and use Snapchat’s time sticker filter.

Unlocking the Time Sticker Filter

The time sticker filter is available by default in Snapchat, so there is no need to unlock it. However, you do need to make sure you have the latest version of Snapchat installed.

To check if you have the time sticker filter:

  • Open the Snapchat app
  • Tap on the capture button to take a snap
  • Tap on the sticker icon (it looks like a sticky note)
  • Scroll through the stickers and look for the time sticker – it will display the current time

If you don’t see the time sticker, make sure your Snapchat app is fully updated. You can update the app manually through your device’s app store.

Using the Time Sticker

Once you’ve confirmed the time sticker is available, using it is simple. Just follow these steps:

1. Take a snap

Open the Snapchat app and take a photo or video snap. You can take a brand new snap or select one from your camera roll.

2. Open stickers

After taking your snap, tap on the sticker icon in the top right (it looks like a sticky note). This will open up Snapchat’s sticker menu.

3. Select time sticker

Scroll through the stickers until you find the time sticker. It will display the current time in digital clock format.

4. Customize (optional)

Once you’ve selected the time sticker, you can customize it by:

  • Tapping on it to cycle through different time formats (12-hour, 24-hour, no seconds, etc.)
  • Pinching to resize it
  • Rotating your fingers to rotate it
  • Dragging it to any spot on your snap

5. Send snap

When you’ve got your time sticker looking just right, you can send your snap or add it to your story! The time will be displayed for recipients exactly as you customized it.

Time Sticker Tips and Tricks

Beyond the basics, there are some clever ways to make even better use of Snapchat’s time sticker:

  • Pair it with location or weather stickers to provide more context
  • Use it to timestamp important memories or events
  • Rotate it to match angled photos/videos
  • Emphasize it with captions like “Right now”
  • Get creative with multiple sizes and formats!

The time sticker is especially fun to use on collaborative “Our Story” chains with friends. You can look back and see exactly when each person contributed their snap.

Why Use Time Stickers?

Wondering why you’d even want to use Snapchat’s time sticker filter in the first place? Here are some of the top reasons:

Context – With time stickers, your viewers can see exactly when your snap was taken. This provides helpful context that text captions alone cannot.

Memories – The time sticker is perfect for marking meaningful events and milestones you want to remember.

Creative Expression – Time stickers open up new creative possibilities for stylizing and enhancing your snaps.

Proof – The immutable time stamping can also be useful for providing proof when needed – like showing your friend you really did make it to the movie on time!

So if you want to take your Snapchat game to the next level, be sure to take advantage of the oft-overlooked time sticker filter. It’s a simple addition that can make your snaps pop.

Over to you – unlock that time sticker and get snapping! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions.