4 Quick Method to Deselect an Object on GIMP

GIMP Selection - 4 Quick Method to Deselect an Object on GIMP 3

As the most popular alternative, open-source graphics editing software, GIMP offers an enormous amount of features to support most editing purposes. One of which is the ability to select a specific object or area where you want to modify specifically.

But one selected, how to deselect it and move on to another one? For those who still new to the platform, there are plenty of ways to deselect on GIMP. Here I summarized all of them in a list that easy to follow. Check them out!

#1 Deselect by double-clicking on any area

deselect double click - 4 Quick Method to Deselect an Object on GIMP 5

#2 Go to the ‘Select’ menu and click on ‘None’

select none - 4 Quick Method to Deselect an Object on GIMP 7

#3 Right-click on the selected area > Select > None

select none 1 - 4 Quick Method to Deselect an Object on GIMP 9

#4 Or you can press Ctrl+Shift+A to deselect

CTRL SHIFT A - 4 Quick Method to Deselect an Object on GIMP 11

Pretty easy, right? Each method can be very useful to a unique situation and scenario. The keyboard shortcut is definitely the fastest, but if you are more comfortable using a mouse, it can do the job just as well. Either way, I hope you learned something today.