How to Change and Update Your Age Information Shown on TikTok

TikTok has become one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 1 billion monthly active users. Given its widespread popularity, especially among teenagers and young adults, many users signed up when they were under 18 and entered an incorrect birthdate.

If you are one of those users looking to update your age information on TikTok, this guide will walk you through the necessary steps.

Why Updating Your Age on TikTok is Important

Here are some key reasons why you may want to update your age information on TikTok:

  • To access age-restricted features: TikTok has certain features like direct messaging, live streaming, and virtual gifts that are limited to adult users. Updating your age will allow you to access these.
  • To correct mistakes: If you entered the wrong birthdate when signing up, updating it will ensure you see age-appropriate content.
  • For legal compliance: TikTok requires users to be at least 13 years old as per COPPA regulations. Entering the right age keeps your account legally compliant.

Steps to Change Your Age on TikTok

Unfortunately, TikTok has removed the ability to directly edit your birthdate within the app. You will need to go through their customer support to change your age. Here is what to do:

1. Contact TikTok Support

  • Open the TikTok app and go to your profile page
  • Tap on the three-dot menu in the top-right and select “Report a problem”
  • Choose “Account and profile” and then “Editing profile”
  • Select “Other” and then “Need more help”
  • Enter your request to change your birthdate and submit

2. Provide Legal Identification

  • TikTok support will get back to you asking for a legal ID (like a driver’s license) showing proof of age
  • Send them a clear photo or scan showing your correct date of birth

3. Get Your Age Updated

  • Once you provide legal identification, TikTok will update your birthdate
  • This can take a few days to reflect across the app

Tips for a Smooth Age Update Process

  • Use a government ID like a passport, driver’s license, or national ID card to verify your age
  • Make sure to censor any sensitive information not relevant to your birthdate
  • If support is slow to respond, follow up with them again after 4-5 business days
  • Avoid trying to create a new account with false information as that violates TikTok’s terms

What If TikTok Doesn’t Update My Age?

In some rare cases, TikTok may not change your birthdate even after contacting support. Here are two things you can do if that happens:

  • Keep following up: Politely follow up with additional requests every 5 business days asking them to update your age. Persistence usually pays off.
  • Delete and recreate your account: As a last resort, you can delete your current TikTok account and sign up for a new one with the right birthdate. You will lose your old videos and followers though.

Restrictions Based on Age on TikTok

It is important to note that TikTok enables certain restrictions based on a user’s age:

  • Under 13: Can’t create an account or use TikTok
  • 13-15: Account is private by default. Can’t message directly or access downloads
  • 16-17: Direct messaging enabled but downloads disabled by default

Updating your age to the right number will ensure your account has the right access based on TikTok’s community guidelines and local laws like COPPA.


  • TikTok does not allow users to change their birthdate directly within the app anymore
  • You have to contact TikTok customer support and provide legal ID to get your age updated
  • This process can take a few days to a week to fully reflect across TikTok
  • If support does not help, delete account and recreate it with the right birthdate

We recommend updating your age only if you entered it incorrectly when signing up. While it takes some effort, it will allow you to responsibly use TikTok’s features meant for your age group.

More Tips for Using TikTok

Here are some additional tips to use TikTok responsibly and safely:

  • Enable restricted mode to limit exposure to inappropriate content
  • Set screen time limits if needed to prevent overuse
  • Turn off location sharing and “Suggest Your Account” in privacy settings
  • Block or report suspicious users or bullying behavior if needed
  • Monitor children’s use and educate them about online safety

Updating your age on TikTok is important for legal compliance and safely using features meant for your age group. Follow the steps outlined above to change your birthdate if you entered it incorrectly when signing up.