How to Delete Multiple Emails in Gmail Quickly (PC & Mobile)

How to Delete Multiple Emails in Gmail Quickly - How to Delete Multiple Emails in Gmail Quickly (PC & Mobile) 3

Keeping an organized inbox can be a challenge, especially with the high volume of emails most people receive daily. When your Gmail inbox starts overflowing, deleting emails in bulk can help you quickly clean things up. With a few simple tricks, you can delete large batches of Gmail messages in seconds based on sender, date, search filters, and more.

The goal of this tutorial is to provide readers with efficient techniques to rapidly clear out and organize a cluttered Gmail inbox by removing unnecessary or outdated messages.

Whether you want to mass delete spam, old newsletters, emails from a certain sender, or any other batch of messages, this guide will show you how.

Select All Emails On Current Page to Mass Delete

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The quickest way to delete multiple emails on the current page is:

  1. Check the box next to Primary at top left to select all visible messages.
  2. Click the Select all conversations that match this search link. This selects all emails on the current page.
  3. Click the Delete icon shaped like a trash can.
  4. Confirm deletion in the pop-up.
  5. All emails on that page will vanish from your inbox and move to the trash.

This method selects up to 100 emails per page. To delete more in one shot, select all emails under a label like Updates or Forums which may display more per page depending on label settings.

Deleting Emails on Gmail Android and iOS

On Android and iOS devices, Gmail can display a swipe gesture to delete individual emails quickly. To enable on Android:

  1. Tap the hamburger menu at top left.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Select account.
  4. Tap Swipe actions > Delete.

Now you can swipe left or right across any message to delete it. Configure iOS swipe options under Settings > Swipe Options. While not as fast as bulk delete, it helps speed up cleaning one email at a time.

Using Gmail Search to Filter and Delete

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Gmail’s powerful search feature allows you to quickly find specific emails and delete them in bulk. Here are some search operators you can use:

  • from:[email protected] – Delete all emails from a certain sender
  • before:2022/01/01 – Delete emails received before a certain date
  • has:attachments – Delete all emails with attachments
  • subject:unsubscribe – Delete emails with “unsubscribe” in the subject line
  • label:promotions – Delete all emails in the Promotions category
  • is:unread – Delete unread emails

Run your search, then select and delete all the filtered emails. This is a quick way to mass delete emails based on sender, date, attachments, keywords or other criteria.

Bulk Delete Mails Using Third Party Tools

If you need to delete thousands of emails quickly, third party apps and extensions can help:

  • Boomerang – Install the Boomerang browser extension to schedule emails to be deleted later.
  • Mailstrom – This service lets you create complex delete filters based on content, attachments etc.

While most people can bulk delete emails easily using Gmail’s built-in tools, third party services provide more robust options for advanced cleaning.


A cluttered inbox full of unimportant emails can feel overwhelming. By leveraging Gmail’s bulk delete features, you can rapidly clean out spam, newsletters, and any other unnecessary messages.

Use search operators to precisely target batches of emails to remove based on age, size, sender, and other criteria.

Don’t forget to frequently empty the trash and archive old messages. With the inbox decluttered, create labels and filters so important emails automatically route into tidy categories for easy access later.


How do I Delete Gmail emails in bulk?

You can delete Gmail emails in bulk by selecting all emails, then clicking the trash icon. On desktop, click the checkbox at the top left, then “Select all”.

How do I clean up my Gmail inbox fast?

To clean up your Gmail inbox fast, use search operators like “older_than:90d” to find old emails, select all results, and delete. Don’t forget to unsubscribe from unwanted senders.

How do I get rid of unwanted emails in Gmail?

To remove unwanted emails in Gmail, open the message, click the 3 dots, and select Block [sender]. You can also click Report spam on suspicious emails.

How do I select multiple emails in Gmail?

On desktop, hold Shift and click to select a range. Or click the checkbox at the top left, then “Select all” to choose all visible emails. On mobile, long press the first email, then tap others.