How to Quickly Reopen Closed Tabs in Chrome PC

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You might accidentally close some important pages on Google Chrome and too lazy to get the pages back via History. There must be a faster and more convenient way to restore recently closed tabs, right?

Of course, there is! You can reopen the tabs you recently closed without having to visit the History page. Google Chrome remembers the links so you can relaunch them again with ease.

Here is how to do that.

Use CTRL+SHIFT+T to restore recently closed tabs

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Once the tabs close, you can press the CTRL+SHIFT+T shortcut right away to bring back those tabs. If there are multiple closed tabs before, just press CTRL+SHIFT+T+T+T+T… depending on how many pages you want to restore.

Another option is by right-clicking on Chrome’s title bar and select Reopen closed tabs. The result would be the same, only using a mouse instead of a keyboard.

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You can also use this shortcut to reopen pages when Google Chrome gets closed or restarted.

This mechanism isn’t exactly the same link as the “Undo” button on the Google Chrome mobile. Meaning it will completely reload the page with the help of additional saved contents in the cache.

I hope this guide helps you! Thank you for visiting 🙂