How to Save One Single Page of a PDF Using Chrome

open pdf with google chrome - How to Save One Single Page of a PDF Using Chrome 3

You probably already have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your machine, but it canโ€™t provide any value beside for opening a PDF document. Even a simple editing like extracting a single page requires you to purchase the Pro version of the software.

There must be a better and cheaper way, right?

Lucky for you, a simple task like saving a single page from a PDF document can be done using a Chromium-based browser, like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Brave. You are reading it right. These browsers can open PDF documents and to some extent, do some editing as well.

Follow these steps below to save one page of a PDF.

1. Right-click on a PDF document > Open with > Google Chrome (feel free to choose Edge or Brave instead).

open with google chrome - How to Save One Single Page of a PDF Using Chrome 5

2. The select browser will load the document, click on the Print icon on the top right.

print 2 - How to Save One Single Page of a PDF Using Chrome 7

3. Under โ€˜Pagesโ€™, select Custom.

pages custom - How to Save One Single Page of a PDF Using Chrome 9

4. Then, type the page number you want to save. You may also extract multiple pages from the PDF.

select page number - How to Save One Single Page of a PDF Using Chrome 11

5. Click Save.

save 15 - How to Save One Single Page of a PDF Using Chrome 13

6. Type a name for the one-page PDF, and hit Save.

save one page pdf - How to Save One Single Page of a PDF Using Chrome 15

A single-page PDF may be much easier to work with and it will definitely reduce the document size to just the part you really need.