How to Change Bullet Points Color in Word

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The basic look of a regular bullet point section in Microsoft Word follows the color of the written text, generally black. This may be okay most of the time, but in many situations, having a different color would make the list look more appealing. But how do we change the bullet point color without affecting the text?

Luckily, it’s fairly easy to do. The guide below will tell you exactly how to do that with any version of Microsoft Word. You can even work with an existing list you wish to change its color.

Let’s get started!

How to change bullet point color in a list

1. Create the list first.

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2. Then go to Home > Bullets > Define New Bullets.

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3. Select Font…

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4. Then change the bullet color via the Font color section, and click OK.

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5. At this step, you may also change the bullet icon via “Symbol…”, but that’s optional. Once done, click OK.

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6. Now the bullet points have a brand new color!

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As I mentioned before, it’s possible to change the bullet symbol to make it look more relevant in context.

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This particular setting allows you to keep the colors between bullet points and text are separated. But when creating a new list under the same document, it will use the same bullet profile. To change the bullet, go to Home > Bullets.

How to change bullet point color individually for each line?

Using different colors for each line in the list requires a different technique. The only way to do that is by not using the Bullets feature. Instead, create a list where each line is in its own paragraph. Then put a symbol in front of it by going to Insert > Symbol > More Symbol > select symbol > Insert.

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The bullet will be individually separated from its peer. That means it behaves like an ordinary text (or letter) where you could change the color, size, spacing, and more.

This is actually pretty useful to put more context on each line. But could be very labor-intensive if you are working with a large number of bullets. Still, the payoff will be worth it if you care about the aesthetic.