How to Get PokeCoins in Pokemon Go

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If you are a fan of Pokemon Go, you might be wondering how to get PokeCoins, the in-game currency that you can use to buy items and upgrades from the shop, such as Poke balls, incense, lucky eggs, lures, storage expansions, and more. PokeCoins can be obtained in two ways: by putting your Pokemon in gyms and defending them from other teams, or by buying them with real money.

Read on to learn more about how you can get your hands on some extra coins!

How to get PokeCoins in Pokemon Go for free

The main way to get PokeCoins for free is by defending gyms. Gyms are locations where you can battle other players’ Pokemon and claim them for your team.

1. Find a gym. It’s a tall structure with a Pokemon icon on top of them on the map. It has three different colors that represent your team color: blue, red, yellow, and white for neutral.

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2. To defend a gym, you need to place one of your Pokemon in an open slot. One gym is only available for six Pokemon.

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3. You can only place a Pokemon in a gym that is the same color as your team. If the gym is controlled by a different team, you have to battle the Pokemon defending the gym.

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4. If you defeat all of the defending Pokemon, the gym will become neutral (turn white).

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5. Now you can place one of your own Pokemon in it to claim it for your team.

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6. You can only place one Pokemon per gym. Only a Pokemon with full health can be placed in the gym.

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7. To check how many coins you have earned today, tap the binocular icon.

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8. Open the Today tab, scroll down, and look for PokeCoins.

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How to get PokeCoins with real money

Another way to get PokeCoins is by buying them with real money. This is the fastest and easiest way to get coins, but also the most expensive.

1. Open Shop.

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2. Scroll down and you will see different bundles of coins available, ranging from 100 coins to 14,500 coins. The more coins you buy, the better deal you get per coin.

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3. You can buy coins from the shop using your credit card or other payment methods.

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However, before you decide to buy coins, make sure you really need them. There are many ways to enjoy Pokemon Go without spending money. You can still catch Pokemon, hatch eggs, evolve them, trade them, battle them, and more. And remember, spending money on PokeCoins does not guarantee you will get rare or powerful Pokemon. PokeCoins can help you buy useful items and upgrades from the shop, but they are not essential for playing and having fun with Pokemon Go.


How to get 50 PokeCoins a day?

Once you place your Pokemon in a gym, it will start earning PokeCoins for you every 10 minutes. You will get one coin per 10 minutes, up to a maximum of 50 coins per day. You will receive the coins when your Pokemon is kicked out of the gym by another player.

How long does a Pokemon stay in a gym to get 50 coins?

To earn the maximum of 50 PokeCoins per day in Pokemon GO, your Pokemon needs to stay in the gym for eight hours and 20 minutes.