Taskbar has been a place for apps, websites, search bar, utility tools, as well as time and date in a lot of Windows releases, including Windows 10. While its overall dimension is relatively small, users who want to experience a program at the fullest screen may want to minimize or even close the Taskbar.
While closing Taskbar is not an option as it holds many important shortcuts for the computer to work, you can at the very least hide it completely when not in use. Therefore, a bit of screen space will be available for programs.
To hide Taskbar in Windows 10, follow these steps!
1. Hover the mouse cursor over the Taskbar. Right-click on it and then select Taskbar settings.
2. Now, set on Automatically hide the taskbar in desktop mode or tablet mode or both depending on your use case.
3. Additionally, you can Use small taskbar buttons to make it less noticeable. This is an optional feature.
4. Finally, you may close the window.
The Taskbar will be hidden from the view. If you want to access it, pull the cursor to the bottom of the screen and the Taskbar should appear again until you move away.
Another alternative if you want to make Taskbar less prominent is by making it look slightly transparent like the picture below.
If you are interested in that kind of style, go check out the guide to making Windows 10 Taskbar transparent.