4 Reasons Why PUBG Has the Best Battle Royale

PUBG Has the Best Battle Royale - 4 Reasons Why PUBG Has the Best Battle Royale 3

Imagine you’re equipped with an M416, ample health kits, and an M24 as a long-range weapon. The weapons don’t get better than this, right? 

As you’re on the way to the play zone in a jeep, a bullet from AMR pierces your level 2 helmet. Suddenly, you’re on the ground and the fancy loot gave you no benefit. Dependent on your mates’ mercy, it’s on them to revive you, move forward, or take down the enemy.

If you’ve played PUBG, you may get a clear picture of the above scenario. Don’t these moments make PUBG worth playing over and over again? We may not have an exceptional win or K/D ratio, but for most, it’s about the enjoyment, with the hopes of enjoying the chicken dinner in a lobby full of ACE Masters.

However, isn’t COD, Apex Legends, or Fortnite’s battle royales a better alternative? Well, most gamers may know the difference between these games, but if you’re clueless, then stick with us. We’re going to explain some points that’ll make a clear distinction as to why PUBG’s battle royale is the best one out there.

Without further ado, let’s get started!

Extensive Maps and Locations

Extensive Maps and Locations - 4 Reasons Why PUBG Has the Best Battle Royale 5

Starting with the maps, PUBG has 8 maps to offer, each with its own unique and distinctive features. For example, Erangle offers the best terrain a player would want. From buildings, warehouses, and beaches, to squad houses, containers, and vast green land for camping, it’s heaven for people looking to survive.

Moving on, the next best map is Livik. It’s what you may call a mixture of different terrains, with limited space to take the fight on. Miramar is another classic map, and probably the one with the largest space to wander around. It’s a perfect place to camp and snipe your opponents.

In short, with a lot of maps to choose from, you can find the best, suitable to your gameplay.

Weapons and Vehicles

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The best thing about PUBG is the constant updates that players enjoy. Players crave new weapons and vehicles to make the game more realistic.

AMR is one of the latest and most powerful weapons added to the game. What makes it an exciting feature is that it only comes with 10 bullets. But, only one bullet is enough to knock down a player with a level 3 helmet. So, as a player, you can’t waste bullets as you do with Kar98 or M24.

Coming to vehicles, PUBG adds new vehicles every now and then. The latest addition is the convertible, a 4-seater car perfect for a squad. Opening and closing down the hood was surely a unique feature to see in a battle royale game.

Plus, have you seen the latest aesthetic update from PUBG? Based on traditional Egyptian scenes, there’s a lot to loot when you land at those places. The update is available in Erangle only, so if you haven’t seen the update, do experience it.

However, make sure you’re connected to a seamless internet connection like Cox.


Because with each update, the game gets a little heavier. And to play a bulky game, a top connection is a must to avoid lag or buffering during the game.

With Cox, you’re ensured to experience a hassle-free gaming experience, free of any lag. To avail their services, visit Cox’s website today. Spanish customers can connect to Cox en español to avail Spanish customer support.


Graphics - 4 Reasons Why PUBG Has the Best Battle Royale 9

Thrilling graphics make every game more enjoyable. However, if your device can’t run the HD or ultra-HD graphics, PUBG comes with alternatives that are no less.

Catering to everyone’s needs, PUBG can even be played on a device with 2GB RAM. Well, for most battle royale games, the minimum requirement is 4GB RAM. But with PUBG, you can still install and run it on the lowest graphics.

You may see a difference in the scenery, but your gameplay won’t be affected by the graphics. If you’re a pro at high or HD graphics, it may take a whole squad to eliminate you in low graphics as well.

Shooting Physics

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Gamers understand how bullets or grenades work. They’re aware that at what distance, a grenade must be thrown to knock off an enemy. Perfecting that, PUBG’s in-game physics has improved a lot with time.

Now, knocking down an enemy at a distance has become hard. It’s even more difficult when they’re on the move. Instilling actual physics in the game has been a remarkable achievement for PUBG. Plus, better in-game physics has attracted a lot of players to try their luck in PUBG’s Battle Royale.

Bottom Line

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When it comes to Battle Royale, no game strays anywhere near PUBG. Simply because it has improved a lot over time, adding a lot of new maps, weapons, and vehicles. As for other Battle Royales, PUBG has left its marks for them to follow.