How to Instantly Update All Windows 10 Drivers at Once

How to Update All Drivers on Windows 10 2 - How to Instantly Update All Windows 10 Drivers at Once 3

It’s clear that updating driver software is necessary to ensure the safety and compatibility of the hardware that you use. Without it, your hardware may not be working properly with the latest Windows 10 update.

Fortunately, you can update all the drivers at once with the help of free software named Driver Booster. The following guide will show you how to update all drivers on Windows 10 at once.

1. Download Driver Booster (free version) and install it. To avoid installing unwanted adware, please select Custom Install during installation.

How to Update All Drivers on Windows 10

2. Run the program and scan for new drivers.

How to Update All Drivers on Windows 10

3. Mark the drivers you want to update, then click Update Now.

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4. Driver Booster will download and perform installations immediately. I suggest you not use the PC during the process since it may interrupt some systems, such as the internet, display, peripheral, and even processor.

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5. Finally, click Reboot and then OK to restart the computer to take effect.

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Now, all drivers have been updated. You can redo the same steps to perform bulk updates in the future. Driver Booster will scan for drivers once a week and give a notice when new updates are available.

7 thoughts on “How to Instantly Update All Windows 10 Drivers at Once”

  1. My computor operates on vista I want someone to upgrade it to windows 10 with drivers fix all issuies online ect can this be done this way

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