How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows

hidden files exposed - How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows 3

Windows allows you to keep certain items hidden and can’t be discovered from a normal File Explorer. This originally intended to prevent you from accidentally deleting important files. But it may also be used to hide your personal documents so, in a way, it could lower the possibility of them being found by unauthorized parties.

In either case, hidden files will remain hidden unless you change the visibility to normal. Surprisingly, you can keep these files under the hidden mode while using them like normal items.

Here’s how to show hidden files or folders on Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.

#1 How to show hidden items in a specific directory

1. Go to the directory where the hidden items are stored.

hidden files - How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows 5

2. Click File > Change folder and search options.

change folder and search options 2 - How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows 7

3. Go to the View tab menu.

view tab - How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows 9

4. Enable the Show hidden files, folders, and drives option, then hit Apply and OK.

show hidden files - How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows 11

5. Now the hidden items will appear on a slightly faded look.

hidden files exposed - How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows 13

Alternatively, you can show or hide hidden items quickly right on the File Explorer. Just go to the ‘View’ menu, then check/uncheck the ‘Hidden items’ box.

#2 Show hidden items to all directories

1. Go to Start, search for Control Panel and open it.

control panel 3 - How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows 15

2. Click on Appearance and Personalization.

appearance and personalization - How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows 17

3. Select File Explorer Options.

file explorer options - How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows 19

4. Click View.

view - How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows 21

5. Check on Show hidden files, folders, and drives. Click Apply and OK.

show hidden files folders drives - How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows 23

#3 How to unhide hidden items

1. First, select files and/or folders you want to unhide.

select hidden items - How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows 25

2. Right-click on one of which, then select Properties.

properties 3 - How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows 27

3. Untick the Hidden box, click Apply and OK.

attributes hidden - How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows 29

4. The hidden files are back to normal.

no hidden - How to Show Hidden Files/Folders on Windows 31

You can also unhide them from View > Hide selected items for a quicker access.

If you want to hide some files into another level, consider excluding them from Windows Start Search and if possible, archive the files with a password.